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Soliton dynamics are numerically investigated in a two-mode fiber with the two-photon absorption, and the effects of the two-photon absorption on the soliton propagation and interaction are demonstrated in different dispersion regimes. Soliton dynamics depend strictly on the sign and magnitude of the group velocity dispersion (GVD) coefficient of each mode and the strength (coefficient) of the two-photon absorption. The two-photon absorption leads to the soliton collapse, enhances the neighboring soliton interaction in both modes, and increases the energy exchange between the two modes. Finally, an available control is proposed to suppress the effects by the use of the nonlinear gain with filter.
It is well known that optical soliton is based on counterbalancing of the group-velocity dispersion and the nonlinear refractive index of the optical fiber. Optical soliton properties (such as shape, height, and width) can be maintained when the soliton propagates over thousands of kilometers by the use of optical amplifiers, and optical soliton communication now has an impact on the communication.[1,2]
The design of the soliton communication systems requires consideration of several factors, such as the soliton properties (such as shape, height, and width), the soliton separation, and the distance between successive amplification stages. Meanwhile, there are many perturbations (such as high-order nonlinearity) which need to be considered in a practical soliton system, they lead to the fluctuation in the amplitude or pulse-width of the soliton, and deform the soliton shape. Their effects can not be neglected on the characteristics of the soliton system, such as degrading the stability of the coherently amplified solitons, increasing the time jitters in arrival, and reducing the signal-noise-ratio of the soliton communication.[3,4]
Mode-division multiplexing (MDM) systems based on the multimode fibers (such as a two-mode fiber of LP11 and LP01 modes) have been proposed as a promising technology to increase the transmission capacity of optical fibers, and have attracted worldwide interests.[5] The number of guided modes excited in the fiber and their properties are essential to understand and analyze pulse evolution of these guided modes. A multimode optical fiber enables the propagation of more than one mode and is not restricted to a single wavelength.[6,7] Many approaches have been developed to realize a much high transmission capacity by the higher-order modes in the multi-mode fiber, and various multi-mode fibers that guide two or three LP modes have been proposed for the MDM systems.[8,9]
The challenge of multi-mode fiber usage is mode coupling leading to additional impairments in the signal, and it is also important to analyze the intensity distributions in the fiber output that are affected by the mode dispersion arising from the mode group.[10] Meanwhile, the high-order nonlinearities such as two-photon absorption in the multi-mode fiber could significantly affect the performance of the MDM systems, and thus much attention were paid on their effects in recent years.
Two-photon absorption process has been extensively studied because of the enormous number of technological applications. Specially, as a high-order nonlinear optical process, the imaginary part of the high order nonlinear susceptibility is related to the extent of the two-photon absorption in an optical fiber, and induces serious effects on pulse propagation. If the solitons propagate in a two-mode fiber with the two-photon absorption, then the traveling pulses may experience waveform distortion and frequency shift. Moreover, a dispersive wave radiation may appear in the system and result in the decrease of the transmission capacity. The effects of the two-photon absorption on the soliton evolution cannot be neglected and may be compensated for by the frequency-dependent optical gain in an optical fiber.[11,12] Some exciting progress on the nonlinear pulse propagation in the multi-mode fiber was achieved in recent years, and reminds that MDM can increase the capacity of an optical fiber system over the multi-mode fiber by the useful control.
In this paper, soliton propagation and interaction are numerically investigated in a two-mode fiber with the two-photon absorption, soliton dynamics and the effects of the two-photon absorption are demonstrated in normal and anomalous dispersion regimes, and an available control to suppress the effects is proposed by the use of the nonlinear gain with filter.
The pulse propagation in a two-mode optical fiber within the weakly coupling regime was investigated and analyzed in some former references, where the mode coupling due to various external factors was weak such as the coupling between LP01 and LP11 modes. For simplicity, the two-fold degeneracy of the LP11 mode (LP11a and LP11b) is not taken into account in this work, and it is assumed that only one of the two degenerate modes is excited in the two-mode fiber, which will not couple to the other degenerate mode because of the ideally isotropic property. Namely, only the LP01 and LP11a modes are excited when the nonlinear pulses propagate in such a two-mode fiber.[13,14]
When nonlinear pulses propagate in a two-mode optical fiber with the two-photon absorption under the coupling between the LP01 and LP11 modes, the corresponding nonlinear coupling Schrödinger equations governing the pulse propagation are given by[13,14]
To normalize Eqs. (
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In a real two-mode fiber, the behaves of the normalized slowly varying envelopes propagating in the LP01 and LP11 modes become inhomogeneous because of nonlinearities, such as the two-photon absorption with high-order nonlinearity. Such behaves can be obtained by the approximate analytical solutions and the numerical simulation analysis through the nonlinear coupling Schrödinger equations (
For a typical two-mode fiber with normalized frequency V of 2.405 < V < 3.832, the nonlinear coupling coefficient fAB is calculated in the range of 0.102 < fBB < 0.964 and the nonlinear coefficient fBB is calculated in the range of 0.168 < fAB < 0.627. For T0 = 1.0 ps, the normalized DMGD coefficient is in the range of 0 < D1 < 5.0. The normalized GVD coefficient of the LP01 mode β1 = 1.0 represents the normal dispersion, and β1 = -1.0 represents the anomalous dispersion. The normalized GVD coefficient of the LP11 mode β2 is essentially the group velocity dispersion ratio of the LP11 and LP01 modes, and is calculated in the range of 0.9 < β2 = β2B/β2A < 3.6.[13,14,17,18]
Effects of the two-photon absorption on the soliton propagation can be investigated by using the split-step Fourier algorithm. The nonlinear coupling coefficients of fBB = 0.90, fAB = 0.60 and the normalized DMGD coefficient of D1 = 2.0 are used in the following figures. For a typical two-mode fiber, the initial soliton pulse-width of τ0 = 1.0 (corresponding to the initial pulse-width T0 = 1.0 ps) and the normalized group velocity dispersion of the LP01 mode of β1 = ± 1.0 (corresponding to the group velocity dispersion of the LP01 mode of β2A = ± 1.0 ps2/km, and the dispersion length LD = 1.0 km) are used in the actual calculation.
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The numerical calculation results show that the soliton can hardly propagate in the normal dispersion regime (β1 = 1.0, and β2 = 1.0 or β2 = 1.4), and fast collapse within a very short distance in both modes. The solitons can stably propagate in the anomalous dispersion regime for suitable GVDs in two modes (such as β1 = -1.0 and β2 = -1.0) without the two-photon absorption, but the soliton becomes unstable and gradually crumbles away in the LP11 mode when the absolute value of its GVD coefficient becomes big (such as β2 = -1.4), and there is obvious time shift induced by the DMGD in the soliton propagation.
![]() | Fig. 2. The normalized one-soliton intensity versus the propagation distance with the two-photon absorption in the anomalous dispersion regime. (a) ρ = 0.02, (b) ρ = 0.05, (c) ρ = 0.15, (d) ρ = 0.25. |
![]() | Fig. 3. The effective propagation distance versus the normalized two-photon absorption coefficient in the anomalous dispersion regime. |
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When the initial separation between neighboring solitons is larger than five times of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the soliton in a path-average dispersion transmission system, the interaction can be suppressed effectively.[1,15,16] From Figs.
![]() | Fig. 6. The interaction distance versus the normalized two-photon absorption coefficient in the anomalous dispersion regime. |
The results in figures above show that perturbation induced by the two-photon absorption results in subside band of the soliton pulses, and enhances the soliton interaction. Meantime, the two-photon absorption causes the time relative displacement between the two modes, then the time relative displacement leads to the disintegration of the solitons in each mode, and enhances the interaction between the neighboring solitons. The effective propagation distance and the interaction distance are determined by the strength (coefficient) of the two-photon absorption because of its various destruction on the soliton propagation and interaction.
In order to stabilize the soliton propagation and control the soliton interaction resulting from the perturbation effects induced by the two-photon absorption, the nonlinear gain combining with filter is proposed to suppress these effects in the two-mode fiber, and the soliton pulses can be described by the modified nonlinear coupling Schrödinger equations[15,19]
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![]() | Fig. 7. The normalized one-soliton intensity versus the propagation distance with controllable nonlinear gain and filter. (a) β1 = -1.0 and β2 = -1.0, (b) β1 = -1.0 and β2 = -1.4. |
![]() | Fig. 8. The normalized three-soliton intensity versus the propagation distance with controllable nonlinear gain and filter. (a) β1 = -1.0 and β2 = -1.0, (b) β1 = -1.0 and β2 = -1.4. |
It is shown that the nonlinear gain control can stabilize the soliton propagation, reduce the energy exchange between the two modes, and control the neighboring soliton interaction in each mode even if the strength (coefficient) of the two-photon absorption is large enough (such as ρ = 0.25) and the absolute value of the GVD coefficient of the LP11 mode is big enough (such as β2 = -1.4). The results mean that the soliton properties (such as shape, height, width) and soliton separation required for the soliton communication are recovered, and the interaction between solitons in the same mode or the energy exchange between the two modes is suppressed when there is an available control of the nonlinear gain with filter in the transmission line. The reason is that the nonlinear gain can suppress the linear wave growth due to the excess gain during soliton propagation, and the narrow-band filter can suppress the frequency shift. Combined with the narrow-band filter, the nonlinear gain with high-order terms perfectly amplifies the soliton with the large amplitudes while the linear wave with the small amplitudes is not amplified.[15,16,19] These results show that mode division multiplexing can increase the capacity of an optical fiber system over the multimode fiber by the available control, where modes are selectively excited in the fiber with MDM channels (such as the LP01 and LP11 modes in a two-mode fiber).
Soliton evolution is numerically investigated in a two-mode fiber with the two-photon absorption, and the effects of the two-photon absorption on the soliton propagation and interaction are demonstrated in different dispersion regimes. Soliton dynamics depend strictly on the sign and magnitude of the GVD coefficient of each mode and the strength (coefficient) of the two-photon absorption. The two-photon absorption leads to the soliton collapse, enhances the neighboring soliton interaction in the two modes, and increases the energy exchange between the two modes. The solitons may have robust features in the LP01 mode compared with those in LP11 in the presence of the two-photon absorption, such as resistance to waveform distortion and neighboring soliton interaction. Finally, the available control is proposed to suppress the effects by nonlinear gain with filter, and the results show that the soliton properties (such as shape, height, width ) and soliton separation required for the soliton communication are recovered, and the soliton interaction in the same mode or the energy exchange between the two modes is effectively suppressed.
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